Congatulations Rhenus Lub!
Use of reconditioned drums reaches highest level in 2023. Over 50% of reconditioned drums in use for the first time.
In a recent Linkedin post and interview Rhenus Lub highlights their increased use of reconditioned steel drums in 2023:
Rhenus Lub takes responsibility for the environment and has therefore relied on reusable and recyclable transport containers for a number of years. This year, they’ve increased the proportion of their reconditioned drums to over 50%. These steel containers are sourced from regional production within a maximum radius of 250 kilometres and can be reused up to 10 times, after which the metal is recycled. In this way, they contribute to greater sustainability every day.
DRUMDRUM proudly helps to make Rhenus Lub and their steel drums use more sustainable.
Read more on https://www.linkedin.com/posts and Sustainable packaging: when it comes to recycling, smart packaging is half the battle | (rhenuslub.de)