Collect and grade
DRUMDRUM collects your emptied 200L steel drums, 200L HDPE drums and 1000L IBCs. We collect also your other industrial packaging on request.
Through our own transport company DRUMDRUM Trans, we offer reliable and compliant collection services in Benelux, France and Germany.
The collection can be on your location(s) or your customer's (DRUMDRUM loop).
We grade your packaging based on type, characteristics, condition and content. On a regular basis we provide a clear overview of the collected packaging and its grading. If desired, we can provide the necessary processing certificates. DRUMDRUM is a Val-I-Pac operator.
To maintain the highest possible value, the packaging gets the most suitable treatment. By having your packaging collected by DRUMDRUM, re-use of your packaging gets maximised and you will actively contribute to the Circular Economy!
Through our own transport company DRUMDRUM Trans, we offer reliable and compliant collection services in Benelux, France and Germany.
The collection can be on your location(s) or your customer's (DRUMDRUM loop).
We grade your packaging based on type, characteristics, condition and content. On a regular basis we provide a clear overview of the collected packaging and its grading. If desired, we can provide the necessary processing certificates. DRUMDRUM is a Val-I-Pac operator.
To maintain the highest possible value, the packaging gets the most suitable treatment. By having your packaging collected by DRUMDRUM, re-use of your packaging gets maximised and you will actively contribute to the Circular Economy!